Skin Allergies – What You Can Do At Home?

If you experience redness, swelling, and itching sensation on their skin, you are most likely suffering from a skin allergy or have the symptoms that can lead to a skin problem in the future. The best thing to do is to get online Doctors in Rawalpindi Islamabad. The doctor will diagnose the underlying problem after performing a series of tests and will prescribe you the necessary medication. Apart from medication, the doctor will also provide you a list of possible triggers.


First and foremost, avoid contact with the triggers. It is the most obvious yet most the crucial one. People rely on medications and do not care about the triggers. However, it is necessary to stay away from the triggers as much as you can.

Say no to hot showers when your skin is irritated. A cool compress and a cool shower can help to calm down the inflammation. Make sure to pat your skin dry and apply a scent-free moisturizer afterward.

Get your hands on an oatmeal powder. Mix the powdered oatmeal with lukewarm water and apply the paste to your skin. Wash it off once it dries.

If your skin is extremely itchy, use an over the counter anti-itch cream or calamine lotion to relieve itching. If it still persists, get the services of Online Doctors in Rawalpindi Islamabad with the help of HMS Healers app.

Drink loads and loads of water. It is not only good for your skin and hair but also for your skin issues. It flushes out the toxins from your body.

How to get the services of a doctor using HMS Healers App?

  • Download ‘HMS Healers’ App From Google Play Store or Apple Store.
  • Select the required service: Doctor
  • Tap Request Service and our Customer Support Representative will call you.
  • Our Doctor will come to your doorstep within minutes.
  • Pay the doctor after completion of at home medical session.

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